Rating: 8.5/10. In Pursuit of the Traveling Salesman: Mathematics at the Limits of Computation by William J. Cook Book about the Traveling Salesman Problem, written by a University of Waterloo professor and a leading researcher on this topic. The TSP is NP-hard, meaning there’s no efficient algorithm to solve it for all cases (unless P…
Category: Topics
Modern Front-end Architecture by Ryan Lanciaux
Rating: 8.1/10. Modern Front-end Architecture: Optimize Your Front-end Development with Components, Storybook, and Mise en Place Philosophy by Ryan Lanciaux A fairly short book about modern frontend development centered around building components. The first part of the book introduces the concept of components and the benefits of having a consistent set of reusable components. It…
Retail Therapy by Mark Pilkington
Rating: 7.7/10. Retail Therapy: Why the Retail Industry is Broken – and What Can Be Done to Fix It by Mark Pilkington Book written by a retail executive from the UK, about the business of retail. The first section discusses the decline of numerous retail chains during the 2010s, such as the downfall of Toys…
A Philosophy of Software Design by John Ousterhout
Rating: 8.5/10. A fairly short book on aspects of software engineering and design, especially on how to manage complexity. At 170 pages, it is very short and more opinionated than some larger tomes like Code Complete, some of the advice is not universally agreed upon by all software engineers, but they are well reasoned. This…
Notes on the Piano by Ernst Bacon
Rating: 7.1/10. A collection of relatively short essays about classical piano, each approximately 10 pages long, by an American pianist and composer. All these essays are independent, each exploring a different aspect of the subject, and are organized into five distinct sections: The Performer: talks about the role of the performer in interpreting the composer’s…
Like, Comment, Subscribe by Mark Bergen
Rating: 8.3/10. Like, Comment, Subscribe: Inside YouTube’s Chaotic Rise to World Domination by Mark Bergen Book about the history of YouTube, from its inception to the present day, covering its ups and downs, as well as the controversies it faced. As YouTube exploded in popularity, right now hundreds of hours of videos are uploaded every…
Founding Sales by Peter Kazanjy
Rating: 8.5/10. Founding Sales: The Early Stage Go-to-Market Handbook by Peter Kazanjy Book about how to do sales from first principles, for the founder of a startup who has never done sales before. The approach to startup sales is different from that of a bigger company, and you should do work that doesn’t scale. Firstly,…
The Nurture Assumption by Judith Rich Harris
Rating: 7.4/10. The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do by Judith Rich Harris Book about parenting, arguing for the thesis that parents essentially have no effect on how children turn out. Except in cases of extremely severe abuse, parents have no effect on children, after accounting for factors like genetics. Culture…
Machine Learning Engineering on AWS by Joshua Arvin Lat
Rating: 8.0/10. An overview of the AWS services used by machine learning engineers to preprocess training data, train models, and deploy them to production. The book has good coverage of all of the most AWS services with various different options of doing things, such as code vs no-code tools, and server vs serverless deployment options….
Fashionopolis by Dana Thomas
Rating: 7.4/10. Fashionopolis: Why What We Wear Matters by Dana Thomas Book about fast fashion and its negative effects. We are used to buying a lot of cheap clothes without thinking too much, but fast fashion has a lot of negative effects on the environment and workers in developing countries. Fashion is very fast-paced and…
Kingdom of Characters by Jing Tsu
Rating: 7.6/10. Kingdom of Characters: The Language Revolution That Made China Modern by Jing Tsu Book about the history of the Chinese language during the early 20th century, when China was beginning to modernize, and how the language and writing system coped with the challenges. It starts with Wang Zhao, a scholar who saw the…
Merchants of Culture by John B. Thompson
Rating: 8.1/10. Merchants of Culture: The Publishing Business in the Twenty-First Century by John B. Thompson Book about the book publishing industry, primarily the USA and the UK. Publishers act as middlemen: they purchase content from agents, who represent the business interests of authors; they add value to the process in several ways: by content…